The sea containers are ready to be delivered to our Campus
A great opportunity has just become available for our Foundation Builders International Institute - Kenya campus.
Lennox and his wife Eunice from our Kenyan Board of Directors have been able to secure two forty-foot sea containers for a great price of $2600 per container delivered to our site in Nairobi. We need four containers to build the instructional center, so being able to purchase these containers is a terrific start for the Institute. These containers will be refurbished with doors and windows and finished out on the inside to provide classrooms and storage of materials needed by our welding students. Funds provided by our donors are helping to purchase the containers. We still need to purchase two 20-foot containers in order to build the facility. John Wicks and I are asking for your financial help in launching the FBII-Kenya campus. Our students are waiting and anxious to start receiving their training toward becoming professional welders. Your generous contribution can help us reach the goal of completing the training facility.
You can read the whole story of Foundation Builders Internationa Institute -Kenya at our website www.foundation.buiders